5 |
✓resolved |
SimonGame component number doesn't reset number after end of game |
none |
Jay Phillips |
over 17 years old |
7 |
✓invalid |
Component generator requires Adhearsion gem to be installed |
none |
Dr Nic |
almost 16 years old |
6 |
✓hold |
Adhearsion should print something when it initializes |
none |
Jay Phillips |
over 17 years old |
9 |
✓invalid |
AfterInitializedHooks should be different than thread joining |
none |
Jay Phillips |
about 16 years old |
11 |
✓resolved |
Adhearsion::Voip::Asterisk::AMI hangs |
none |
Jay Phillips |
over 16 years old |
15 |
✓resolved |
ami strips line separators from raw command output |
none |
jhosteny |
about 17 years old |
16 |
✓resolved |
ami hangs forever on "meetme list" command |
none |
jhosteny |
about 17 years old |
17 |
✓resolved |
decompose_uri_query_into_hash has problem with empty strings |
none |
Jay Phillips |
about 16 years old |
14 |
✓resolved |
Initializing Adhearsion with multiple ActiveSupport versions causes an explosion |
none |
Jay Phillips |
over 17 years old |
19 |
✓resolved |
On exception play wrong sound file (an-error-has-occurred) |
none |
Jay Phillips |
about 16 years old |
21 |
✓resolved |
last_dial_successful? - still have a bug (after svn 701) |
none |
Jay Phillips |
almost 17 years old |
22 |
✓resolved |
variable('DIALSTATUS') returns nil on some situations |
none |
Jay Phillips |
almost 17 years old |
23 |
✓resolved |
Problem with broken pipe in AGI when caller cancels the call |
none |
Jay Phillips |
about 16 years old |
24 |
✓resolved |
In trunk 'ahn start daemon app' is not working |
none |
Jay Phillips |
over 16 years old |
25 |
✓resolved |
[PATCH] eval hides exception source in helpers |
none |
Jay Phillips |
almost 17 years old |
26 |
✓resolved |
[PATCH] exception if User-Agent header missing |
none |
Jay Phillips |
almost 17 years old |
31 |
✓resolved |
usage with callweaver |
none |
Jay Phillips |
over 16 years old |
32 |
✓resolved |
Not really a 'bug' ... http://docs.adhearsion.com |
none |
Jay Phillips |
over 16 years old |
33 |
✓hold |
Call Threads waiting for with_next_message() hang indefinitely |
none |
Jay Phillips |
over 13 years old |
36 |
✓resolved |
"ahn start" != "ahn start ." |
none |
Jay Phillips |
about 16 years old |
37 |
✓hold |
DRb call to proxy.introduce() throws exception upon answer |
none |
Jay Phillips |
about 15 years old |
38 |
✓resolved |
how to call call_into_context from within an adhearsion context |
none |
Jay Phillips |
about 16 years old |
40 |
✓invalid |
dial timeout doesn't quite work |
none |
Jay Phillips |
about 16 years old |
41 |
✓resolved |
if user hangs up during record, we throw an exception |
none |
Jay Phillips |
over 14 years old |
42 |
✓resolved |
When installed as gem jahn breaks AR/JDBC |
none |
Jay Phillips |
about 16 years old |
43 |
✓resolved |
AMI failed authentication consumes 100% CPU |
none |
Jay Phillips |
over 14 years old |
44 |
✓resolved |
call to call_into_context() hangs until killed |
none |
Jay Phillips |
about 16 years old |
45 |
✓resolved |
'Channel' improperly parsed in Events |
none |
Jay Phillips |
almost 16 years old |
47 |
✓resolved |
No events when using JRuby |
none |
Jay Phillips |
about 16 years old |
48 |
✓hold |
Feature Request - Rake task for Migrations |
none |
Jay Phillips |
over 13 years old |