Ben Klang
Release 0.8.5was updated by Ben KlangTuesday Aug 24
ticket -
restful_rpc component renders object as an Array in JSONwas updated by Ben Klang 04:34 PM ticket -
Recorded files lost when user hangs up in Asterisk 1.6was updated by Ben Klang 04:33 PM ticket -
Getting started guide was updated by Ben Klang 04:24 PM ticket
Unable to process UserEvent was updated by Ben Klang 04:23 PM ticket
Menu method under JRuby does not appear to workwas updated by Ben Klang 04:20 PM ticket -
Adhearsion.active_calls with_tag forces a symbol usewas updated by Ben Klang 03:42 PM ticket -
ActiveSupport Load Order Issuewas updated by Ben Klang 01:57 PM ticket -
play(some_number) calls both saynumber and playbackwas updated by Ben Klang 01:56 PM ticket -
DBget AMI command is unusablewas updated by Ben Klang 01:56 PM ticket